Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who cares about the stigma

I started my spring semester classes today. My evening class is "human sexuality". It's going to be a great class... except for today. As I was walking to class, I was trying to figure out what room I should be in and had to examine my schedule many times to figure out that we were supposed to be in one room on Mondays and another on Wednesdays. For any who are keeping track, today is Wednesday. That means I missed the first class which was held on Monday. Missed it entirely. And then I remembered that since it's a compressed class, I missed 3 hours of lecture. In a class at a normal pace, this is equivalent of missing a whole week worth of classes. Okay. Not the end of world. I'll get the syllabus and get caught up. There is a big group project in this classes. We have to explore a topic in sexuality. Okay. We have to do an interview on the topic with somebody in the city. Adding to the stress a little bit. And since everybody made it to Monday's class, I'm now in a group with 2 guys who also didn't have a group. The end of the world is coming. My anxiety levels went through the roof. It took all of my power to focus on the lecture. But focusing was good because it didn't give me a chance to break down. At the time, my opinion was "I need my dog and I don't care who sees". Now I'm home, I've patted Page and taken her down for her pre-bedtime trip, and have had a moment to relax. I'm still shaking but am not stretched quite as tight.

1 comment:

wcteams said...

Look at Paige all clean and fluffy! So glad you could come home to a comforting friend and pat. It is beautiful here in the lower mainland and Rosie and I have been shopping and enjoying the sun. Miracles when I think of being afraid to leave the house years ago. Time for a late lunch relaxing afternoon with Rosie.
Hugs and take care!