Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Clicker walking

I'm trying to change slightly where Paige is walking with me. She is already a pro of the loose leash walk but I would like her to walk where her nose is even-ish with my leg. Right now her shoulder or ribs are. I've tried to do this by the classic method: correct and correct and correct until it happens. And honestly, it's not working. So I figured I would try to do it with a clicker. So this morning I grabbed the clicker and the bait bag. Because training takes some time, even with a dog as smart as Paige, we'll have to report back on how this is going.

I figure while we're doing this we can also work on sitting automatically when we stop. This is a fairly different task so it should be okay to train at the same time. Once I have her walking where I want, we're going to clicker ignoring other dogs. Right now she wants to see everybody and she is driving me nuts because there are a lot of dogs in our neighbourhood. But this is going to have to wait because I don't want to be sending mixed messages, or too many, while we're getting the positioning thing down.

3 weeks and I'm totally convinced that the old training methods don't work. Especially when she learned "touch" over breakfast one morning. And it was perfect the next morning! Reinforcement it is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The training facility I take Beta to is all reward based.
She's completely food motivated and picks up on things VERY quickly.
I've never seen anything wrong with giving a dog treats if you get the results you want :)