Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wake up Mom!

One of the tasks that I'm training Paige for is to be waking me up in the morning. To assist with her desire to do this, I feed her as soon as I get up in the morning. Food is a great motivator. This, happily, is a task that she is picking up almost by herself. This morning she was pacing around, grunting at me to try and convince me to get up. When that wasn't working, she started putting her paws up on the bed (it's too tall for her to jump up on) and going for my face. Yuck, Dog kisses! And then she would go and wait for a moment and then it would start again. When I finally got up, she stood there staring at me, as if to say "hurry up", while I was getting dressed. Then the routine has two more stops before breakfast. I need a bathroom break and the cat's need to be fed. Then there are kibbles. If I have time, we do some task training over breakfast or I sit with her. This morning, needless to say, it was bowl on the floor while I went and did my hair.

I'm going to teach Paige to turn on a lamp in the morning when the alarm goes off to help signal me to wake up and then to bug me until I get up. I may even teach her to pull the blankets off once I'm awake to help convince me out of bed. Once I'm awake being the operative idea. I hate getting woken up by this. Although, a puppy smile might get her forgiven. First, I need to find a lamp that she can turn on.

1 comment:

Oleander said...

Maybe just a lamp with a pull string, thats heavy so she won't pull it right off the table. Or maybe her pulling a lamp off a table would be better in waking you up. lol.

Or one of those "touch" lamps