Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Where to sit

I've been taking the bus to my accounting class that I'm doing this summer. Since my schedule is so busy crazy, I figure that Nick should have access to his car and volunteered to take the bus. Before you know it, Paige is going to be able to take the bus with me. I can't wait. In the mean time, I'm trying to train myself to sit in the seats that are designated for use by service dog users and other people with mobility limitations. Usually I sit at the back of the bus where I can see both doors and most of the people. Sitting at the front in the special seats is a little bit stressful but I keep reminding myself that Paige is going to be doing this with me soon and these seats need to be our routine. Typically, those with service dogs sit so that they are travelling sideways with the dogs underneath the seat. I've tried that a few times and I get sick to my stomach on the days where I'm already feeling a little bit dizzy. I think we're going to have to train Paige to use the ones that face forward because that is easier on me. These seats are open underneath to the seats behind them. Because I don't want anybody kicking my dog, I think I would like to have her trained to sit between my legs in front of me. I'll have to talk it over with my trainer.


Oleander said...

Does that mean she gets a service dog vest so people know not to bug her?

wcteams said...

I hear ya hear too! I remember my first time sitting up front with Rosie. SWEATING!! ME..not her! if it makes you feel any better now, we sit at the front, no problem, have for a long time. Rosie actually prefers to sit under the wheelchair seat, even if it is up, I can pull it down for people to sit and she stays there. Today, the bus driver declined a person with a stroller on the bus because it was to full, (shoulder to shoulder!), my goodness..I said it's ok..rosie can squoosh under the seat and she got one. WoW..usually people DO NOT move in the disabled peeps seets. every day different. but the packed busses are the worst. Love reading your experiences...
Leanne and Rosie