Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This week gets longer and longer

Mom is getting more and more and more stressed. She packed all day Saturday and all day Sunday because of the bed bugs. Mom had a final last night (Monday) which she finally got to start studying for yesterday morning. Dad had his last English paper due on Monday as well. They were supposed to spray our suite yesterday but evidentally we didn't pack well enough and they are now scheduling it for Wednesday morning. We were supposed to be able to go home today but nope. We get to go to the apartment and pack some more and move stuff around some more in the hopes that we will pass inspection enough that we get to go home by Thursday afternoon. In the mean time, the cats, the people and I are staying at Mom's Mom's house (GrandmaMom - I'm not supposed to call her Grandma. But this works and I'll call Dad's GrandmaDad. You'll all understand what I mean eventually).

Sam, one of my cats, is making our stay at GrandmaMom's house less easy. I got into the cat food last night. I know I'm not supposed to but cat food is just SO good. *drool* Mom didn't realize this before bed so at 4AM Sam decided to let everybody know he was hungry. He stood outside our bedroom door and meowed and meowed in his biggest voice. He woke up GrandpaMom (see above for explanation as to why this works although it just sounds goofy). Bad idea. But he woke Mom up at about the same point and Mom went to see what was wrong. They danced to the food bowl to show Mom how empty it was. After feeding the short ones, Mom tried to go back to bed, but Sam started crying again. Mom went and camped out on the couch. We're already imposing on Grandma&GrandpaMom. The last thing Mom wants is for the cats to act up and for us to not be allowed there anymore. I know that Mom will do anything to ensure that the cats attempt to behave themselves.

Mom and Dad have talked about moving for quite sometime now. They're going to get me a yard. They were going to wait a few more months but they have figured that they should look around since the house is packed more moving anyway. So add one more thing to the pile.

I think that all I've got for now. Woofs and Tail wags
Paige the wonder dog

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