Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The take over

Hi everybody,

Mom set up this wonderful blog and has failed to write in it, so I’m taking over. Not sure why she doesn’t but I’m going to. We need to keep a diary of my training and Mom has done horridly. *Tisk tisk* I’m going to try and write every evening and tell you about my day but we’ll see. Some days Mom won’t let me near the computer.

So today:

We woke up late. Ate breakfast. Checked email.

And then Marni came over. Marni is such a great person. She always brings my favourite treat – turkey jurkies!  We played all sorts of games when Marni was here. Snuggle with Mom. Jump on Mom’s lap. Lay my head on Mom’s lap. Pick stuff up – today they kept asking me to pick up a tissue and then pick up the box. I’m not sure what they quite want there. They click and treat when I bring the tissue and they giggle at me when I try to pick up the box. Marni almost fell off her chair when I picked up the box while I was stepping in it. I guess it’s kind of funny but I just am not sure what they want. I’ll figure it out and get back to you.  They also kept handing me a can and asking me to put it in the bin. They were doing this last week with a bottle. I keep missing the bin. I drop the can/bottle beside the bin. I’m not sure why they want it in the bin. They’re so picky but we throw a party if I do get it in the bin. Bin = Party. Guess I’ll have to practice.

Mom and Dad went out tonight WITHOUT ME!!!! They went to the “movie theatre”. Mom says she’s going to take me there soon but she has to wait for the right day.  She keeps promising me this but we’ll see. I was so happy to see her again when she got home.

And now it’s bed time. I’m going to go get Mom to open the bedroom door so I can go lie on my big bed. Good night

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