Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bed bugs

We've had some nasty news around my den. The neighbor below us has something called bed bugs. I guess their kind of like fleas, which I've thankfully never had. Mom and dad are ripping the house apart. Everything is being put in boxes that are lined with plastic bags. Mom packed up most of her clothes and all of her books, except the ones she's going to lend to AuntyMaigen on Monday. Dad rearranged all the furniture in the living room. I keep trying to tell them that this isn't okay but they keep telling me it is. I hope that everything is going to be okay and we can get back to normal soon. Aside from having to pack the house up like we're moving, dad has a paper due Monday and mom has a final on Monday evening. The stress is so high in my den. I keep reminding them to smile.

In other news, mom's pulled out the clicker for walks again. I'm not sure what she's trying to get me to do. I really enjoy barking at dogs and people. Anybody I can't meet and inspect personally may be a threat. But mom doesn't seem to like it. Also, she's making me wait at open doors until she says some words. I'm just not sure which words I'm looking for. Humans and this silly language stuff.

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