Sunday, January 15, 2012

Movie Theater Popcorn… Drool!

Dad came home again. And typically when Dad is home we get to go and see a movie. I like going to the movies. That box that Mom watches at home doesn’t make much sense to me. But there is something different about the movie theatre. I can watch the picture and hear the sound. I like watching movies! And Mom and Dad usually sit where I can see between the seats. I only have one complaint. The newer theaters have great deep pads on the seats and they leave no room under them for wonder dogs. Designers never take us wonder dogs into consideration when they build a place.

The best thing about the theatre is the popcorn. It smells so good and it’s so salty and tasty. Except I’m not supposed to eat it. It’s one of those forbidden foods. *sad puppy* I’m getting better at ignoring it. But it’s hard. Mom was working with me at looking away from the yummy stuff. Look away and get a pocket cookie and Mom’s approval. Not a terrible deal but the popcorn is so good.

We went and saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I thought it was very good. Lots of action, running, fighting and special effects. They kept slowing the camera down so you could really appreciate the explosions or catch small details. I hope they make a third one soon. That guy is such a hoot. And you’re never quite sure who he is or where he is because of his wonderful disguises. I’ll give it 4 barks out of 5.

1 comment:

Maigen said...

AGREED!!! my mom went to see it and she LOVED it apparently

Wonderdog haylie!