Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rabbit convention

The other day I saw 7 – that’s right, 7 – rabbits in one field! And I managed to walk past them fairly calmly. Mom let me watch them because I was being so calm. It was pretty cool.

Today I was shopping with Mom. She was looking for pop. When the store had every type of pop except the one she wanted, she started to wonder around. I think she was starting to get dizzy. She bent down and put her arm around me and started to rub my chest. I knew something was wrong. I let her hug me like that while she fed me kibbles. Yum. I leaned against her but just a little. You have to be careful not to knock dizzy people over. When she started to feel better, I laid next to her and we just hung out until she was feeling better. Then we carried on and went to a different store and got her the pop she wanted. Who knew pop could be such a big deal.

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