Saturday, October 15, 2011

To work we go

Mom and I went to five – that’s right, 5!! – job interviews this week. And it was a short week. But the good news: The odds worked out in our favour. If you apply for lots of jobs and end up with interviews out of 5 or 6 of them, eventually one of those interviews will result in job. Mom’s luck lined up yesterday. She woke up and didn’t want to go but still we packed into the car. As this interview went on, Mom got more and more excited. She discussed with the working lady all about me. We were all a little bit worried about if the boss guy was going to like me. Mom got the job even though there are some concerns about allergies. Yeah Mom. Now, about that fancy collar I’ve been wanting….

I had an assessment with CoachDarlene. They are trying to figure out why I like to bark. They think if they can figure out why I bark, that they can convince me not to. I think not. I like the sound of my own voice. But they think they noticed some things. I’ll let you know what crazy plans these humans have hatched.

Dad’s home this weekend. It’s been nice and relaxed this time. We aren’t rushing everywhere. We went to the movies last night. We sat where I could see the screen through the chairs. In the first movie there were these 2 guys beside who insisted on talking. I kept standing up to go and have a word with them about appropriate theater behaviour but Mom kept telling me to lay back down and not worry. Then we snuck into a second movie. Mom and Dad love catching a double feature. The first movie was funny but I slept during the second one.

Mom went for her pictures. The doctor says that all of her bones look normal and in the right place. We are able to rule out a few things that may have been causing the sore hip problems. Now it’s something with the soft tissue and that is so much harder to determine. Cross your paws that Mom gets feeling better.

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