Come along with us while we discover what a huge difference a psychiatric service dog makes for somebody living with a life limiting condition.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Training walks
Paige takes the bus
Friday, June 25, 2010
Is my head attached?
My first of my summer classes is over. I wrote the final for it on Wednesday evening. Courses that are easy As are good for your GPA. At the end of the test, I thought "There. That's done." Unfortunately, this idea carried forward and I managed to forget that I had class this morning. So silly. I've had the same schedule every week for the last 2 months and I've done stuff like this a few times. Grr! I'm writing every day I have class in my day timer. I'm NOT missing anymore classes over this stupid reason.
In other news: I've joined the list-serve on The information and support that has come from that have been huge. It joins a community of very special people with something so profound in common who live over a very large geographic region. It's so nice to not feel like I'm in this alone.
I have other big news that I'm dying to disclose but I haven't received the go ahead yet so you'll all have to wait to hear it.
On the training front: Paige is so smart! We've got targetting with her nose down cold. It doesn't matter where we are or what I hold up, she's smacking it with her nose. She'll run across the room to hit my hand. I'm starting to work with this for positioning. I can get her to touch my hand by crawling under my legs or under a table. She won't settle there yet but she'll go. Now we're putting the touch on command because she's starting to nose me just to get a treat. I'm also going to be making this into a touch-hold (a long touch) and a nudge (touching my hand repetatively quickly). She is sitting every where and laying down every although she is a little slow at times. Almost as if she's saying "are you sure you want me to do this?" Yeah, I am. Her wake ups are starting to become persistant. Giving her a reward is like hitting the snooze button but it will only buy me a couple of minutes. Yesterday, in 20 minutes, we got paw targetting - hitting a target with her paw. I haven't tested it today to see if she really got it. It took me a bit to think of how to train this then I realized that she'll paw at puppy when we're playing. So out came puppy and everytime she pawed him, "click". She understands what the click means and caught on really quickly. We've also been working on watching me more closely when we're walking. We've also been trying to work on her reaction to other dogs. This is a negative punishment/positive reward situation for us. If she can't behave, we're walking away. If she is calm and polite, she can meet the dog. We are looking at taking Marni's basic obedience class for this. I suggested it to Marni and she was doubtful because Paige can do it all. The class would be very simple for her. I countered with the fact that she needs to be able to do the simple around other dogs. Marni agreed. The class starts in late July.
Um... Crap... Forgot what else I wanted to talk about. Damn short term memory. Hopefully this clears up some soon. It's kind of bugging me.
If I think of it, I'll be back later.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Trainer Found
After much hunting and much frustration, we have finally found the trainer we are going to be working with. I could not believe how many trainers wouldn't work with a service dog and how many of those who did wanted $100+/hour. CRAZY! But we found Marni and everything is going to be okay.
We met Marni for the first time on Tuesday. I really like her and really like her teaching style. Within 20 minutes she had me feeling like I could do this and that Paige was wonder dog. She is leaving us with a pretty intense homework schedule after every meeting. This is the way that it needs to be if we are going to progress as quickly as I want. This weeks homework: Look - Paige has to just look me strait in the eye; and Touch - Just targeting stuff with her nose. Example - my hand, a coaster, a CD, my pill case (this one was my idea. I figured that she would have to find it eventually anyway so learning that it is a target now wouldn't hurt.) Targeting like this will eventually be worked into a whole bunch of the manoeuvring stuff that we will eventually do. I'm trying to get her to touch under my leg when I'm sitting down. This is the beginning of climbing under chairs, benches, tables, etc. She is catching on very quickly. I'm proud of her.
Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form a dog trainer. Anything that is documented in my blog is what I am going through with the training. If you are in need of training advise, please contact a reputable trainer in your area.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Blogging from the bus
I have myself a new toy so I'm going to try this. Chances are that this is going to make me feel dizzy and neasous and will ruin me for the rest of the day but I like the portability idea.
Thursday I had a Reiki session with Ashley. I decided to be brave/silly and take Paige with me. She did so great at the beginning. The 30 minute walk there probably didn't hurt any. She laid down and just took it easy. Shortly after the half way mark she started breaking her stay and I had to keep correcting her. It proabably didn't help any that the room we were in looked like living room and she has always gotten to explore in that setting. I was very proud of Ashley for managing to ignore Paige the whole time and waiting until we were outside aftetwards to actually meet her. Overall I think that the length of this appointment was too much to ask of Paige. If it had been 20 minutes she probably would have been fine. I will be leaving her at home this week when I go. Having her there was very distracting for both Ashley and me.
In other news I can feel my desire to do anything waning again. Nothing is interesting or important although I do have stuff for school that really does need to get done. I have to figure out how to teach Paige to bring me her leash or ring bell or someting so that I can at least manage to make sure that Paige gets to pee. We were walking this morning and I just wanted to lie down on the grass and rest. We hadn't even walked very far. I hate not wanting to move. It's a hard feeling to deal with because it feels so stupid. Why can't I just move and be productive? Grrr.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Footnote to 6 weeks
I can't take credit for a lot of what I've done with Paige. She came to me with such excellent manners that a lot of the credit goes to her breeder. Her and I have been bonding and working on trust between each other. Now she's cool with a lot of things because I suggest that she should be and she's starting to trust me as her leader. But it has still been a fun journey.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
6 weeks
Brushing is so much easier now that the shedding is done. 20 minutes for both sides and just a little pile of loose stuff.
She is right beside me when we go down or up the stairs. I had to try to back up to get this bad picture. She was so confused why I kept stopping but wanted her to keep going.
With living in an apartment building, we've had lots of practice riding the elevator. Don't you just love "collie ears"?
Paige had to do a course of antibiotics when she got fixed. No body believes me about how she would take the pill, so here is the video. Sorry about the quality. I'm not very good with my really old camera.