Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Side Effects

I'm so sick of the side effects that I'm getting from the medications I'm on. The dizziness which leads to nausea. The headaches that so easily become migraines. The lack of appetite or the tendency to binge on bad foodstuffs. The gross taste in my mouth from the sleeping pills I take when I can feel that my sleep is going off.

But right now it's the headache that I've had since last Thursday that keeps trying to morph into mini-migraines. And the dizziness that seems to be accompanying it if I'm standing still. I'm okay when I'm walking and mostly okay when I'm sitting.

We had dropped my antidepressant when I was coming down off of the manic episode to try and help bring it back to normal a little bit faster. And, as these things always seem to go, I was good for a couple of weeks and then I slipped past normal and started to get depressed. So I upped the celexa again. And then the headache started. What is the right answer? I'll yack with my doctor about it next time I see him. Maybe we need to change the antidepressant that we're using in the mix.

This is one of the reasons I want the dog. I want to be able to drop my med levels while still feeling safe. I would like to get off the antidepressants entirely. And the dog would be my great big behavioural clue. I wonder sometimes if I don't place too much hope in the dog on this topic.

Right now, I just want this headache to disappear.

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