Monday, January 30, 2012

Sometimes "leave it" is so hard to do

When we went outside at lunch today I found 2 tasty things: A chunk of pizza bread and a pork chop bone. I gave the bread a "how dare you smell so good" look but I didn't approach it. I gave it lots of room. The pork chop bone I actually picked up for a moment. But I dropped it without Mom saying anything and walked away. It was tempting but it's not what good wonder dogs do.

In other "leave it" news, we went to the movies again. I'm getting so much better about the popcorn thing. We went and saw the new Underworld movie. Mom says she really enjoyed it but I didn't get to actually watch it. We sat where I couldn't see and it was one of those 3D movies and they have yet to make wonder dog 3D glasses. What I can tell you was that it was very loud for most of the movie. Not a good starter one for a Wonder Dog who is still in training but it didn't bother me at all. I even had a nap. I did start poking Mom at one point. She still doesn't why but it worked and she continued to watch the movie in peace and was none the wiser to what I saw. She doesn't always understand but she respects my professional judgement.

Paige the wonder dog.

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