Monday, March 5, 2012

A different species

Today was a very busy day.

After hanging around the house in the morning we went and dropped off a bunch of small pieces of paper to the new land lady. Mom called them cheques. She explained it as the little slips would make the land lady happy enough that we could live in her house that has a backyard. Humans do some strange things. I suggested that we paid her in snuggles and bones instead but Mom said this was better.

We went for a walk in the woods with OM. It was so good. I haven’t gotten a lot of off leash time because Mom is really worried about my knee and doesn’t want me running really hard to keep up with the other dogs. I’ll admit that it’s not a bad idea. I’ve been requesting that we use the elevator to go downstairs once in a while lately. I’m sore! Mom’s even been giving me painkillers once in a while. Don’t worry. They are doggy friendly ones. For those who don’t know: Dogs can’t have human painkillers. They are very dangerous for us so please don’t give them to your fur babies. But we had a great walk with OM. I ran and sniffed and wandered through the fresh snow. Mom and OM played a mean trick on me. When they turned around to go back to the car, they didn’t tell me. I looked around and they were missing. Happily it was a trail where you were going or coming and there were footprints in the snow for me to follow. I found them really quick and was very relieved. After that, I was looking for them often.

After our walk, we went to a party. They had this really cool thing in a cage there. Mom called it a bird. Was it every neat. It kept saying  “hello pretty girl” to me. I was so curious about it. I kept getting closer and closer to it’s cage. It had a big cage. At one point I was standing up against the cage. The humans who live with the bird warned me against this activity. They said that the bird may want to borrow my nose. I don’t quite understand that idea. I think that bird stared at me as hard as I stared at it.

After all of that excitement, when we got to work at the store, I curled up on my mat and went right to sleep. I woke up just long enough to ask Mom for supper and then I crashed again. Now I have to go because we have to get the store cleaned up. Once that’s done, we get to go home. Then I can sleep in my big bed.

Good night all
~Paige the Wonder Dog

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